Process of Enrolment
Enrolment of students into the college is set out by DET guidelines and there is a clear process which is followed from the enrolment policy. Enrolments for entry at any year level can be made at anytime. All enrolments require an interview with one of the Assistant Principals. Please call on (03) 5245 4545 or email
Grovedale College has a designated school zone. Eligible students have the right to be admitted to their designated neighbourhood government school, regardless of capacity.
Students are able to apply for a place at a school that is not their designated neighbourhood school. Schools must have sufficient accommodation to meet current and future in-zone demand before enrolling students from outside the school zone. In some instances, schools may not have sufficient accommodation to offer placement to all students.
Our school zone is available on hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones.
Grade 6 into Year 7
In Term 2 primary schools will provide an application for enrolment form to all Grade 6 students. Families need to complete these forms and return them to their primary school. Those families which select Grovedale College will be collated and sent to the College. Parents will receive a letter early in Term 3 confirming the enrolment with the relevant enrolment forms.
In term 4 all students attending in Grovedale College for the following year will be invited to the College where families and students will be provided with important information relating to booklists, camps and other programs on offer.
For Victorian Government Primary Schools
Application for Enrolment forms will be sent to Primary Schools in May and distributed to parents. The timeline for grade 6 into year 7 enrolment is outlined on the Department of Educations website:
For Catholic, Independent or Interstate Primary Schools
Term 2 2024
Year 6 to Year 7 Placement Information Packs for Schools and Parents/Carers (for 2026 school year) are available from our administration office from April 2025.
by Friday 9 May 2025
Parents/carers return 2026 Year 7 Preference Forms to Grovedale College by this date. You can do this by handing it in at our administration office or by emailing it to
by Wednesday 16 July 2025
Grovedale College will notify parents/carers of Year 6 students, in writing, of their child’s Year 7 placement offer for 2026 school year.
from Wednesday 2 July 2025
Secondary schools may commence distributing orientation, and other transition information to parents/carers of Year 6 students who have a confirmed Year 7 placement for 2026.
An information evening for parents of primary school students will be held on Thursday 13th of March (children welcome), check the school calendar on the homepage for further details. Tours of the College and a BBQ will commence at 6.00pm. Formal activities commence at 7.00pm with Information provided about the College in general, as well as specific information about transition, curriculum, student services and welfare.
Primary School teachers will complete Transition forms early in Term 4. This information assists the College in indentifying individual students needs as well as providing general background information.
Staff and current students from the College will visit primary schools (prior to Orientation week) to meet with students and their teachers to give further information, answer questions and address any concerns.
Distribution of Information to Parents
A package of information will be distributed to parents at the College Welcome Evening. The package will include several forms such as Application for School bus travel, booklists and other relevant information. These forms will need to be returned to Grovedale College by the date indicated.
Students enrolled at Grovedale College for Year 7 will be given the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive orientation program. This program is designed to support a smooth transition into secondary school, helping students feel comfortable and confident in their new environment.