Transition Program

The College has a well-developed transition and enrolment program. Students in Grade 5 and 6 have the opportunity to be involved in a Science program where the students spend five weeks undertaking extensive science activities. This program allows students to challenge themselves academically but also feel confident in this new environment.


In Grade 6 students will spend half a day in Term 2 undertaking a wide range of activities. This allows students to ask about the College and understand the procedures of the College but also ensure that when students begin in the following year they are excited about the wide range of opportunities they have at the College.


Students in Term 4 will spend three full days at the College where they will be able to get to know their way around the school and meet key staff and ensure that when they start the school year they feel comfortable and confident in their new environment.


The College recognises and understands that the change from primary to secondary schooling can be a challenge for students and parents. In addition to the Middle School structure that creates a “school within a school” for students at Year 7, 8 and 9, a key focus during Year 7 is the theme “transitions”. The following programs are based around this theme and delivered to both complement the core curriculum and support a successful entry into secondary school life:-


  • Year 7 Home Group teachers and assistants.
  • Year 7 Peer Support Program (Mentoring program involving specially trained Year 10 students)
  • Year 7 Camp.
  • Year 7 BBQ.
  • Parent Information Evenings.
  • Development Programs as part of the core curriculum.
  • Year 7 student leadership opportunities.
Grovedale College recognises that the needs of later year primary students and early years secondary students are quite similar, so our Year 7 Program has been structured to build on the interests, skills and leadership experiences of its newest students. The Middle School structure enables the College to create an environment and experiences that meet the needs of its students, whilst recognising that older students’ needs differ.


In their first year at Grovedale College, students’ Home Groups are within the Middle School zone, along with their lockers. Students are in their Home Groups for a majority of classes each week, providing them with a secure base to begin their secondary adventure. Home Group teachers generally teach students for two subjects, such as Mathematics and Science or English and Humanities and are with them for a large part of each week.  In addition, the Home Group teachers are in Staff Rooms close by.


This reduces the number of teachers that your child need to deal with and enables students to connect with particular teachers and to find them easily. Combined with the Middle School Management Office, these arrangements create a secure “small school” within the bigger one and allow our students’ needs to be met.


Grovedale College is committed to the wellbeing of all its students and has a wide range of support programs to meet their diverse needs.

The Student Wellbeing Officer at Grovedale College works closely with each Middle School team member. The Wellbeing Officer will advise staff who may be working with sensitive student wellbeing matters. The Wellbeing Officer also liaises with the Departmental Psychologists and local wellbeing agencies to support its students and families.

Parents who are concerned about their child can contact the Student Wellbeing Officer direct, or speak to their child’s Home Group teacher or the Year Level Leader.

The College strives to create a learning environment which is supportive and caring for all students. Individual counselling and a range of programs are available for students. The College has a full time Student Wellbeing Coordinator and a Mental Health Practitioner. We have access to Guidance Officers, Psychologists, Youth Workers and Social Workers. Partnerships between College, family and the broader community are supported and promoted.

This camp is an important component of transition into Grovedale College, further information will be provided at the start of the year

Year 10 students acquire leadership skills when they are trained to work with small groups of Year 7 students during their early secondary school life. They work with the Year 7 students regularly in Term 1 and some attend the Year 7 Orientation Camp. These older students provide valuable support for younger students as they settle into their new school.

Enrolment of students from Grade 6 is jointly managed with local primary schools and follows statewide procedures. Enrolment Application Forms are provided by the Primary Schools and returned to them.

Information packages are distributed to Primary Schools and also available from the College at our Information Evening.

Transition into the College spans Years 5, 6 & 7. The transition program is conducted in close consultation with feeder Primary Schools throughout the year to ensure that the process is as smooth as possible. Aspects of the program include:

  • Half day visits to the College by Grade 5 and 6 students.
  • An information Evening (see calendar for date) for prospective parents.
  • Visits to the Primary Schools by the Transition Coordinator.
  • Orientation Program in December for Grade 6 students who will be attending the following year.

The College provides an Integration Program for students with special needs. The program is based on the development of Individual Learning Plans, and provides the services of an Integration Teacher and Aides who work closely with students, parents, teachers and community organisations.

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