Term 2 has been a short term, but an incredibly busy one. It has been wonderful to return to regular assemblies, so that we can celebrate the successes of so many of our students. I am constantly impressed with our students. Not just the students that we celebrate, but the many students who speak at our assemblies. Public speaking can be incredibly daunting! I thank our College Captains for their leadership and hosting of each assembly and would like to acknowledge the many other students who step to the microphone each fortnight. Well done!
This week all VCE students completing a Unit 3 and 4 subject will be sitting the GAT. This General Achievement Test will be important in establishing a level of achievement that may be used to moderate examination marks at the end of the year. For all final year students, the GAT for the first time will go towards the achievement of a senior certificate. All VCE certificates (and it is now ‘One VCE’) require students to have met a benchmark standard in both literacy and numeracy. All students have had practice with the GAT and I wish all students well for today’s GAT.
Our Year 10 and Year 11 students have sat their Semester 1 examinations and will have received feedback from their teachers. Understanding their performance in examinations and focusing on improvement, is a key for all students. Examinations form such a central role in VCE, that is a skill all young people need to develop.
Thank you to all students for your participation in the Attitudes to School Survey and providing your feedback. This week Assistant Principals Ms Greenhalgh and Ms McKew are meeting with groups of students to get the stories behind the numbers that we will receive shortly. We use the survey data to identify areas of strength and weakness and this helps us to consider our programs and look to see what can be added or removed.
Janet Matthews
College Principal